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Here are some of the things I think will enable healthier lifestyles:

  • Provide the necessary funding and support required to resolve the rape kit backlog IMMEDIATELY!
    I am appalled by the fact that we have over 1,500 unprocessed rape kit in Jax, dating back over two years. This is completely unacceptable and these kits must be processed as soon as possible. Additional funding should be made available immediately to resolve this backlog.
  • Promote a law enforcement focus on violent crime, and reduce the number of unnecessary interactions with citizens."
    In our most vulnerable communities, the police are seen as revenue collectors, "policing for profit." This perception undermines trust in our law enforcement and delegitimizes good police efforts. Excessive rates of pedestrian tickets; arrests for resisting arrest and driving on a suspended license; and penalties for missed court dates must be brought to an end to start to reshape the perceptions of the duval county justice system. Furthermore, an amnesty policy should be crafted to enable the review of past and current fees with an eye toward alleviating outstanding debts for our citizens.
  • Provide Police with conflict resolution training.
    We have to enable law enforcement to approach situations with the right mentality to diffuse the situation rather than make matters worse. We invest too much time in arms training and not enough in conflict resolution training.
  • Require government employees and first-responders to complete sexual harassment and discrimination training.
    We have a 20th century culture in which certain behaviors have become tolerable. They have to stop. In December of 2017 alone, our city representatives will consider approving payouts of over half a million dollars to resolve discrimination lawsuits. Preventative measures must be put into place to stop the behaviors, and violators must be removed so that we can move forward with confidence in our leadership.
  • Perform an objective assessment of the cost, impact, and benefit of legal fees introduced over the last 30 years."
    For decades we have gotten into the bad habit of creating new legal fees as a way to create revenue for the city. We must reevaluate the existing LFOs, with a consideration for the cumulative effect that they have on our citizens. We must also reframe our mindset as to how to generate revenue for the city so that it can be ran effectively without preying upon our citizens.
  • End the policy of arresting individuals for outstanding debts and suspended licenses.
    Implementing policies that end debt-related arrests will restore constitutional rights that have been hijacked from our citizens. Incarcerating the poorest among us without so much as due process and often times without legal representation, for outstanding debts to the city or state is beneath a city in 21st century America. Furthermore, continuing this process of unjustified arrests related to debt and suspended license violations is expensive and makes an overcrowding situation even worse.
  • Stop suspending licenses for outstanding legal fees.
    When we penalize citizens for being unable to pay debts, especially in a city as massive as Jax, by removing the ability to travel, we are doing a disservice our citizens and our city. How does one repay an outstanding debt when they can't get to work?
  • Create a new partnership between police and mentoring programs like Big Brothers & Big Sisters.
    While tensions between police and citizens seem to be rising, I see an opportunity for us to set a different tone for the next generation. We should develop a partnership between JSO and BB&BS to formalize a mentor program that enables police to play a more positive role in the community and develop deeper relationships with those they serve.
  • Implement body cameras for police officers.
    With the excessive amount of violent interactions between our police and citizens, we must have better insight into what is happening. There is currently a bill in development to implement this policy and I will be an avid champion of it.
  • Evaluate military-to-police pipeline
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  • Create a Community action Committee
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  • Reduction in annual funding increase for new officers
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  • Submit rogue cop cases to a grand jury for review
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  • Actuarial Release Assessment for Pretrial Determinations (Public Safety Assessment) considering potential for danger
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  • Robo-call reminders for upcoming court dates
    We can take simple steps to ensure individuals don't miss court dates. This will reduce the impact of additional LFOs on citizens, and reduce costs for the judicial system.
  • Set strict limits on use of GPS tracking
    The use of GPS as an alternative to pre-trial jail time is a violation of the rights of our citizens and should be used in very limited circumstances where a risk of danger/flight is evident.
  • Set strict limits on use of drug testing
    The intrusion to normal life processes, utilization of legal treatments for medical conditions, and invasion of privacy that result from the use of this mechanism of control over citizens is one that should be reassessed and limited to specific, relevant cases.
  • Consideration of ability to pay and use of unsecured bonds for indigent pretrial scenarios
    Contextual determinations should be made to assess the appropriateness of bonds, and an assessment of ability to repay should be used to set proportionally scaled financial obligations.
  • Indentification and Removal of Known Defective Judges
    We should perform an assessment of long-standing judges and their track records. Data-driven determinations of bias in rulings should be evaluated and corrective actions should be taken, up to and including removal of defective judges who have abused the privilege and power.
  • End for-profit-prison contracting
    Contracting needs to be done differently so that corporations stop profiting off the incarceration of our fellow citizens.
  • Set minimum wage requirements for inmates
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  • End out of state incarceration
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  • Create transparency and oversight within the prison system
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  • Set price controls for prison commissaries and phone charges
    Also need to address price disparities in digital resources and other communications.
  • End federal bed quotas
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